Tel: +420 603 582 868 (Mo-Fri 10-16h)
Bambas Art sales gallery
Latrán 38
Český Krumlov
Mo-Su: 09.00 - 18.00 h
tel: +420 702 033 883

Bambas Art Original s.r.o.
Přední Výtoň 53
382 73, Přední Výtoň
IČO: 09725661
Spisová značka: C 30493 vedená u Krajského soudu v Českých Budějovicích
Custom production
We will be happy to prepare our product according to your wishes. The prices of originals made to order in this way usually do not differ from the prices of those that are available for purchase immediately. The delivery time of the ordered product is 6-8 weeks. If you are interested in anything else, please ask us.
Do you have any questions? We'll answer them. Please fill out your contact details carefully.